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How to make a successful FreeLancer

How to become a successful FreeLancer

Freelance work, is one of the most prevalent fields of work today, because of its flexibility in time and space for creativity, but many of those who work in the field of self-employment are bored or despondent. Self-employment represents a source of income that is not fixed when thinking of some, and represents a side or marginal work when thinking of others.

On the other hand, you find many people who have made self-employment a primary source of income for her, and when you search behind these characters, you find that they have many qualities that made them continue to succeed.

To become a successful FreeLancer, it is not enough just to have a certain skill or talent that you master and present it as an online service, but you must have a set of qualities and habits that will reach you; Not only does it become a successful FreeLancer, it also helps you to develop and continue to succeed.

Our belief in the Bibo tik site in the importance of self-employment, which lies in the fact that it creates a large space for creativity and distinction ... We present to you this article, in which we will explain the most important qualities that make you a successful Free Lancer.

There are external factors that affect your work as a Lancer, which you should improve, in addition to factors related to your personality and characteristics ... those factors are only you who control ... Let's get to know all of that!

External factors that help Free Lancer to be successful

There is no doubt that freelancing gives you flexibility in time and place, but it is a double-edged sword. If you leave yourself without time management , and do not improve your work environment , you will not reap any fruitful results from working as a Lancer.

In order to become a successful FreeLancer there are external factors that affect your productivity and your motivation to work. One of the most important of these factors is the environment around you, which is one of the most important features of working as a Lancer.

You choose the environment in which you work, and it is not imposed on you, such as working in offices or places that may not motivate you to work and produce.

Also, time is one of the most important external factors that may affect your work as an Kafir Lancer, because you are the one who controls it, and it is one of the most dangerous factors that may cause you to be unsuccessful in a particular project, if there is no good organization for it.

So your surroundings and time are the most important external factors that influence being a successful freelancer. So how can you make them positive? Help you in continuous development and success in the field of self-employment?

To answer this question, we will talk about each point separately, so that you can make them positive influencing factors to help you become a successful freelancer.

1. The surrounding environment

A successful Free Lancer is someone who surrounds himself with stimuli that help him work with focus, and achieve his freedom and pleasure at the same time, and that you are the one who chooses the environment in which you work as a Free Lancer, this is a very good thing that you should exploit in a correct way.

Follow the following steps that may help you create a motivational work environment:

1. It is preferable for this environment to be well-ventilated, with the sun entering it on a daily basis, and if you do not like to be exposed to the sun despite its great benefit, keep the lighting well.

2. Before starting to work, do some easy exercise; Like morning exercises or even walking for a few minutes, this step will improve blood circulation to your body, helping you focus.

3. Stay away from the noise that may certainly lead to confusion and loss of focus. Working as an Lancer, it often needs quiet places.

4. Listen to your favorite music, as many psychologists and researchers have found a great effect of music to encourage work and focus. But I beware that this music is a distraction, especially in the case that your field of work as a Lancer needs a high degree of focus.

5. Change the place you work in every period, for example, you can work from home, or go to your favorite restaurant, or the coffee shop in which you feel comfortable.

But it should be a suitable place to work not only to eat and drink, or anywhere outside the home that you can work with if you are bored of being in your home for long periods.

2. Time

Time is a precious treasure, but it is one of the most dangerous factors that if not well controlled, it is easy to lead you to the path of failure, especially in the field of work as a free Lancer. Managing time well allows you to become a successful and even influential Free Lancer in your work.

And here we do not mean only time management is organizing the delivery dates of projects or tasks required of you, but also you must organize your time to go about your life normally.

The basic principle with self-employment is that a person comes out of traditional work restrictions, which make him not practice his life normally.

Here are the most important elements that you should take away from your day and your time, so that you can not only be a successful Free Lancer, but also have a healthy, normal life:

1. Devote part of the day to complete your work, and it is preferable that this time be the time when you are most focused. Some people have their highest concentration in the early mornings, while others prefer to work at night.

In general, we recommend that you work early in order to become more healthy and active, but unfortunately many people do not prefer these times to work and be less focused.

2. A successful Free Lancer is an ever-evolving person, so you have to take part of your time, whether on a daily or weekly basis, to learn a new skill that will benefit you in developing and improving your performance.

There is no doubt that the successful person is not only the one who mastered a specific talent or skill, but he who conceals himself from developing himself in it.

3. Don't work all the time, and don't have fun all the time. Maintain a balance in taking a break and move away from the work environment so that you can renew your activity in a way that allows you to accomplish the tasks required of you more proficiently.

4. Stay away from distractions, and what is most of them nowadays. Many of us steal time in front of their smartphones, whether by electronic games, or by following social networking sites without benefit. Although these sites are important for freelancing, they sometimes steal time without success.

5. Divide the tasks in an organized manner with a schedule. The order of these tasks should be of the most important and important, according to the agreed delivery dates of these tasks.

Qualities of a successful Free Lancer

 Under this heading; We'll talk about the personality traits you must possess in order to become a successful Free Lancer. Self-employment makes you deal with the client in a direct way, so you must maintain some personal traits that will help you succeed and develop.

We will show you the most important of these qualities, and if there are other qualities that you would like to suggest, you can share them with us in the comments.

1. Self-confidence

We do not mean here the increased confidence that leads you to the point of vanity, but self-confidence in the field of self-employment comes from your mastery of the skill you work with, and your possession of tools that make you distinguished.

2. Commitment to deadlines

This characteristic is one of the most important qualities that a free Lancer must possess, but it is one of the most sought-after qualities, some customers say that they may overlook the professionalism of the Free Lancer in exchange for being committed to its deadlines. Here you should keep the following sentence in mind.

 3. Permanent search

In order to become a successful freelancer, you must always be aware of everything that is new, whether in your field or any field that may be related to your field of work, and you must rely in your research on sources rich in reliable information.

4. Relationships

There is no doubt that multiple relationships are required in the field of work as a free lancer, and these relationships may come from dealing on freelance platforms , or through the client himself, as you may have been nominated by a client for a new client as a result of the quality of your work and your mastery of it.

5. Specialization

To know about everything one thing, to know about one thing everything; This is the concept of majoring in freelancing or freelancing. We do not mean here by major that you devote all your efforts to a specific field only without being aware of the rest of the fields. But you have to balance that.

General tips to become a successful Free Lancer

Now that we have talked about the external and internal factors, which, when handled well, will make you a successful freelancer. We are now going through a set of general tips related to freelance work, hoping that it will help you in becoming a successful Free Lancer, and add something new to you.

1. Look inside you for a specific talent that may help you to work as a Lancer, and become a source of income for you.
Among these talents required in the field of self-employment:

  • Draw
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Manual work
  • Voiceover
There are many, many other areas in self-employment.

2. Make personal accounts on reliable and famous freelance websites , the most important of which are at the global and local level:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
These sites are general in all areas of freelance work, but there are sites and platforms specialized in certain areas.

For example, there are:

  • Sites dedicated only to writing content such as " Editors , Writely , Planes".
  • Sites dedicated only to graphic designers like " Behance , coroflot , dribble".
  • Voiceover sites like " Soundeals , Panda Voiceover".
3. Make a periodic schedule, either weekly or monthly. Through it, you can organize your tasks in a way that allows you to deliver all that is required of you at the appointed time.

4. Always keep your Cover Lancer good and workable tools by having:

  • Strong good internet.
  • Well working device.
  • Modern programs that help you accomplish your tasks.
5. Always look for everything that helps in developing your skills. Whether through training courses outside the home, or even self-education and relying on learning through the Internet.

6. Create a file containing your previous work from projects according to the field in which you work; Whether this file is in a copy saved on your computer, or through websites dedicated to creating a personal file that contains previous work or what is known as Portfolio .

7. Dedicate a part of your time to something you like, that helps you relax and rejuvenate, such as; Reading, electronic games, playing a specific game or sports, sitting with family members.

All of these things help you focus and recharge, thus helping you to succeed as a freelancer.

8. Do not overburden yourself with more than one task at the same time, unless your time permits that. Certainly, this may make you not committed to the agreed delivery dates, in addition to that it causes you a lot of psychological and physical exhaustion.

In the end, dear reader, you must know well; The work as free Lancer is no less important than the traditional work, but has become one of the most important features of the current era in which we live.

And if you do not have any skill that you can provide to the client, you can learn, because the resources are now many and varied, and you have to strive for everything that makes a successful Free Lancer, it may lead you one day to your dream project.

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