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How to write a product description for online stores


How to write a product description for online stores

Are you constantly wondering why your online store is not achieving strong sales? Why is there always a missing link? What makes your competitors one step ahead of you?

You may have high quality products, or better products than your competitors, and attractive designs, but the description of your products is not convincing enough for the customer to take the buying step, you may need to reconsider the way you describe your store products.

In this article, I will show you how to write a product description for your online store based on the way the major companies write their product descriptions. Follow the article because you may make some mistakes without realizing it.

The most important rules for writing an online store product description

You should know that the process of writing a description of your online store products is not a marginal process that you give a little of your time or your team's time, on the contrary, it is a very important process that can raise the stature of your online store and contribute to increasing your sales.

As a store owner, it is necessary to realize that the customer is going through a journey before making the decision to buy the product, perhaps the customer is at a stage where he is convinced of you and your product, but he needs a push to complete the purchase,  here comes the role of the well-written product description to move it from that stage to the stage of making the purchase decision.

Do not underestimate the role of product description because it can do miracles, and you will know what I mean by the examples that I will show you, and how professional stores deal with the process of describing products seriously, and many electronic stores employ a specialized person to write the description of products and it is called: (Product description copywriter) .

A product description is like a product identification card that gives the customer all the information he needs to know to motivate him to make a purchase decision, so a product without an identification card is a product that the customer will not pay attention to.

Here are the most important rules that you must follow when writing your online store product description:

1. Know who to write to

Knowing which category to write for will help you understand how you should describe the product. You must know the audience's interests, concerns, and desires, why they might want to purchase your product, and how the product solves their problems.

For example, when you write a description for a specific product to target a working mother, this is definitely completely different from the way of writing for a housewife mother, for sure, the writing input and framework will not be compatible, as each category has its own problems.

For example: Let's imagine that your product is a device related to fast food preparation, so mothers can put food in it to prepare it as soon as they arrive home, which will not take them any time.

Perhaps the appropriate entrance for the working mother is the lack of time and her lack of time due to work, while you cannot use this trend with the housewife mother, because she already has enough time and is not stressed due to work.

Thus, you must find an entrance through which you can attract the customer's attention based on his background, interests, and problems that he is looking for solutions to.

You must make yourself in the place of your customer, think as he thinks, and in order to achieve this, study everything about your audience, and whenever you are allowed to know more about it, do not hesitate to seize this opportunity and take advantage of it.

Tips to learn more about your customers

1. Designing a personal profile or as we call it a buyer persona for your clients, including a name, educational background, interests and concerns; This will serve as a guide to correctly write about them.

2. Follow the places where your audience is located a lot, such as Facebook groups.

3. Ask questionnaires to find out their opinions, what they think about it, and what problems they face, and you can learn more of their opinions on your product to discover what can be improved and work on it to provide a product that meets their requirements.

4. Follow your customers on the pages and platforms of competitors and know what they say, and do comparisons occur between you and your competitor? And if so, what kind of these comparisons?

5. If you have an online community for your followers, this will be another place you can chat with them comfortably and get their opinions on everything related to your product.

2. Write attractive headlines

There is no faster way to capture a customer's attention than with a headline that causes the customer to pause to read more about that product, a title that makes the customer wonder and generates the curiosity to find out more.

Advertising pioneer David Ogilvy, who has many books on how to engage your audience, stressed the importance of having attractive headlines in whatever content is written.

To write a catchy title, do the following:

The title should be characterized by the following: Unique, useful, urgent, specific, and here is an explanation for each of them:

1. Unique
For the title to be unique, this requires brainstorming to come up with a unique address. Meet with your team and think together how you could present a unique address, based on the customer's interests that you knew earlier.

Let us prepare for the example of the working mother and the mother who is a housewife. Imagine that you want to write a unique address to market the device to the working mother. The title might be something like: Relieve your pressure, what do you think of a quick meal without effort, preparing a meal after a hard day’s work may be a daunting task as well, But we have the solution ... etc.

I think you get the idea and how to create a catchy headline based on a customer's interests.

2. Useful
The title should be useful to the reader, it does not mean to present a unique headline is to use phrases that are incomprehensible or controversial as some believe.

Also, the title should contain useful information about which the product is expected, how it works, or how it resolves the problem.

3. Urgent
The title must be urgent, meaning that it indicates or urges the client to make a decision quickly, and it is recommended that you use the principle of Fomo, which is an acronym for Fear Of Missing Out, which is the fear of missing something.

This principle is based on the rules of psychology: that a person is afraid to miss something that may benefit him, so the title can be huge discounts, available only for 24 hours, do not miss our offers.

Info: It is not necessary for addresses to include this element at all times, this cannot be realistically achieved, but it can help if you have offers or discounts.

4. Very specific
Having a tightly defined title is your trump card, the customer needs to know exactly that this is the right product for them so that they don't waste their time.

For example: 

  • Coconut skin lotion.
  • Lotion with coconut for sensitive skin.
Certainly, you knew the difference, as a customer I might like the product, but writing the product without specifying the type of skin is a shortcoming, so the title here is not very specific.

3. Focus on the qualities rather than the characteristics

Your customer does not want to know the characteristics of the product, instead they want to know what will be the benefit of acquiring the product.

If you focus on our daily activities and dealings as human beings, you will find us inclined to mention the characteristics, for example: see this coat, it is very luxurious, it is made of the finest leather, see this device is supported by a specific technology, we do not focus on the advantages that will return from wearing the coat or owning the device.
  • Properties are something that your product is characterized by its color, appearance, and raw material.
  •  Features or benefits are the results that confirm that your customer will get by using your product or service - and are the real reason why a potential customer becomes a real customer.
According to psychology, we are more convinced of the words of a certain person if he shows us a benefit or an advantage and not a feature, you can learn from Intelligent change store in the description of this product as in the picture.

The description focuses on the results you will get, such as: achieving a lot of things in less time (which is something we all look for, you will be able to use your energy for more important things, you will be able to make use of every minute of your time.

If your product contains many characteristics, then there is no problem in mentioning every feature / benefit that accrues to the customer from this feature, nor is it a problem to write all the features in the description.

An important point that must be mentioned when focusing on the advantages is that you write about the good feelings that the customer will feel when using the product, do not forget that we make the purchase decision with our emotions, and then we justify this decision with logic according to psychology.

For example: I'll show you a description of a body care product that fits this equation.

You can see how charming this description is in his words:

Time to put spring back into your stride. Enjoy life with a warm blend of peppermint and cinnamon essential oils to boost blood circulation so you feel like a new human.

Relieve stress and say goodbye to aches and pains, Fair Trade Cocoa Butter softens the complexion, bringing life back to a tired body. Extra virgin coconut and organic jojoba oils sink into the skin, prepare to be a fun time.

4. Make a scene

To make the customer feel that he needs your product badly, create a scene, which means that you present a situation in which all the necessary data is required for the customer to imagine that he is in trouble or a problem that cannot be solved, and then talk about how the product is the best solution to this problem.

Perhaps the most prominent thing that I can talk about in this regard is a product description on the Firebox store as in the picture:

In the description of this product a scene is created in the mind of the customer where the description includes that you as a customer have arrived at the airport, and you have another flight, and you do not want to be late for it.

But you find that you will be late in searching for your bag that is similar to the bags of many passengers, and here the store has a product that can help you, you can buy a travel bag designed for you with your picture on it, and thus your problem will be solved in seconds, and you will not be late on your next trip.

This is called aptly created scenery while exploiting a common problem with travelers.

Note: Storytelling is one of the most helpful tools in this regard. Use storytelling as in the previous product description. We all love to listen and read stories.

5. Prepare descriptions for search engines

In the previous steps, you paid attention to the content and how it came out in the best way, while this step complements your efforts in the previous steps, so that everything you do is not effective enough.

In almost everything you do on your store, you have to configure the content for the search engines. Setting up all sorts of content on your store for search engine (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to market your online store , and it is only the first step in convincing anyone to buy your products.

You can achieve this by starting with keywords , which are usually the search words that buyers use to find the product they are shopping for.

With a little keyword research, you can quickly discover which keywords are best for your store.

We can cite an example of my plant store, where I use SEO to focus on building an informational basis for all plants on the blog, so if you search for anything related to a specific plant you will find an article on the blog or you will find the keyword in the product description, and this is called content marketing .
Additional advice: Invest in the process of improving your online store and make it smartphone friendly-use, now 90% of searches are done on search engines such as Google and browsing websites through smartphones, so any site that is not suitable for using the phone is a site out of competition .

This tip will work with configuring the description for search engines to increase your site's position, and provide an exciting and comfortable customer experience browsing the site.

6. Make the description readable

In addition to the previous rules, the way you coordinate the description of the products and the division of the paragraphs of the content is important as it helps the buyer to find the exact information he wants without wasting time sifting through the content, which will determine whether your customers will continue to read the description or not.

People have short attention spans and only read about 16% of what's on the page, so the description should be able to make this process easier for the reader.

You can do this by making the descriptions easy to read and look at to capture the most important information like this:
  • Include a short paragraph about the product and what it is.
  • Place product features in a bulleted sequence.
  • Try to provide comfortable white space for the eyes, beware of long paragraphs that seem like lumps that the reader is alienated from.
  • Change the font size to reinforce specific product information.
To really understand it, here is an example of what I mean in this picture:

Remember: By making the product description easier to read, you are less likely to lose a potential customer while reading, so pay special attention to this rule, you just have a formidable description but it is not readable and unreadable or quick to look at.

In conclusion of the above:

These rules and tips that I gave you throughout this article are the juicer of the expertise of the largest experts in the field, and they have been tested on many electronic stores and before that in real life even before the existence of electronic stores.

So it has proven its potency and effectiveness over the years. Taking these steps ensures a boost for your online store.

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