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The importance of tracking in advertising campaigns

The importance of tracking in advertising campaigns

Tracking advertising campaigns is one of the most important topics in the world of online marketing.

In many cases, your success or failure as an online marketer depends to a large extent on whether or not you track your advertising campaigns.

Tracking is one of the big issues in the world of internet marketing.

It is difficult to cover it in one article, as it touches on all the marketing process.

In this article, I will detail my words more about tracking advertising campaigns, for those working in the field of affiliate marketing .

I will devote my topic to those who depend on advertising companies to buy visitors.

Let's first give a clear picture of the idea of ​​tracking in the world of marketing through the Internet.

We also talk a little bit about the great and serious importance of the issue of tracking or tracking.

What does tracking mean

 Tracking in the world of marketing through the Internet in general, means monitoring or monitoring a set of variables.

This is done through a tool or medium that collects important information and data regarding the marketing process in many aspects.

The goal is to make decisions or to avoid marketing mistakes, or to achieve more marketing benefit.

As for if we try to define the tracking process for advertising campaigns:

it means obtaining as much data and information as possible for the visitors that you buy as an affiliate marketer.

In order to find out which of the keywords you got the most clicks.

How many sales or commissions you got for each keyword?

To clarify the picture more, let's imagine that you are a publisher in one of the CPA companies  .

And you are shopping offer free samples for one of the skin care products.

And you are using one of the PPV companies to get visitors to market the offer.

The tracking role in this process will provide you with data such as:

The number of clicks you got from each keyword separately.

How many transfers did you get per word?

The timing in which you got the most conversions.

Which days did I get the most transfers?

In this case, you can stop paying for the keywords, through which you do not get profit.

You can also try to get more visitors with successful keywords. Or to add more new keywords, instead of losing words that do not achieve profit through them.

The importance of tracking advertising campaigns

  • It gives you an idea of ​​everything that happens with your ad campaigns.
  • Thus, you can make decisions that completely change the path of success of your advertising campaign.
  • You will get the actual data for your ad campaign.
  • Therefore, there is no possibility that anyone will deceive you, whether the CPA company you work with or the advertiser who is making the offer.
  • You can not only evaluate the performance of your keywords, but also evaluate the advertising companies from which you are buying visitors, perhaps by targeting the same keywords.
In fact, lately, everyone has begun to be interested in doing everything in the internet marketing process.
For example, as a publisher in a CPA company, your company may give you some advantages for tracking your advertising campaigns.

And the advertising companies each of them have a tracking program, through which they give you a lot of data that helps you successfully manage your advertising campaign.

All this is fine but all professional marketers  , prefer to have their own tracking tool. This is for two reasons:

  • Credibility
because by having a tracking tool of your own, you are thus ensuring neutral information.
There is no doubt about it.
  • Accuracy,
for the most part, special tracking tools are characterized by better accuracy, and information is available in an organized and more coordinated manner.

At the end of this article, I will list a small collection of the most important and popular tracking tools, both free and paid.

The best tracking tool for advertising campaigns

This is one of the free tracking tools. Which you can set on your hosting on any domain you want. And through which you can achieve good results. This tool is very popular with PPV visitors.

This tracking tool is the most important and largest free tracking tool ever for website owners. It is owned by Google and made available for free to all website owners.

one of the most important comprehensive tracking tools. They are excellent for website owners and also good at tracking ppc and ppv campaigns.

4- is
one of the most important, famous and best tools for tracking advertising campaigns in the field of affiliate.
But it is a bit expensive for its quality.

There are also many, many other tools that give you more analysis and data for advertising campaigns, or your site visitors, or even data about your competitors.
Whatever device you feel suits you best, use it.

In the end, you should choose a tracking tool that is appropriate for your business as an internet marketer.

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